Concert: Michael Martin Doherty (of Another Michael) and Ava Mirzadegan

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Join us for the first of our bi-monthly concert series!

Michael Martin Doherty (of Another Michael)

Ava Mirzadegan 

Something very special happens in the moment when a listener truly connects to a song. It’s an intangible reaction that bridges science and emotion, turning firing synapses into something cosmically beautiful. Another Michael exists for that moment: when a song transforms the setting of a long walk home, or speaks to a past experience while simultaneously making a new one, or taps into something universal by relating details so specific and personal that they could only be revealed in music. In 2023 the band released Wishes To Fulfill, the first in a pair of albums dedicated to their love of song, and now they’re back already with the experimental next chapter, Pick Me Up, Turn Me Upside Down. Together, the dual LPs create and pay tribute to the power of transcendent musical moments. 

Another Michael is the songwriting project of Philadelphia-based, Michael Doherty. Another Michael’s adoration for music allows for simple sonic satisfaction, but it also taps into something deeper, something connective.

Another Michael:

Mirzadegan writes quiet songs about heartbreak, longing, letting go, and befriending the night sky. Accompanied most often by fingerpicked nylon string guitar, her work rings of unembellished honesty.

Ava Mirzadegan: